Welcome to Swaziland vernacular architecture.
This web page is a brief look at the vernacular architecture in Swaziland. It is a "brief" look because I was only in country for six days without transportation. Through meeting people in country, I was able to travel to four sites to document just a little of what actually exists.

I hope to return to Swaziland to properly document the vernacular architecture of the entire country and would welcome any opportunities to do so.
In the meantime... you can help. Any pictures sent to me I would place on this web page and give the contributor credit.. It's easy.
I am excited to share my app "African vernacular." Just go to the Apple app store and download for free!!! A version for Android is currently being drafted. If you are in Swaziland, whether traveling, involved with a government program, volunteering or working for an NGO you can help preserve a piece of Swaziland culture.
In the meantime... you can help. Any pictures sent to me I would place on this web page and give the contributor credit.. It's easy.
I am excited to share my app "African vernacular." Just go to the Apple app store and download for free!!! A version for Android is currently being drafted. If you are in Swaziland, whether traveling, involved with a government program, volunteering or working for an NGO you can help preserve a piece of Swaziland culture.
The following two web sites are the only in depth documentation on an African countries vernacular architecture. My hope is to have Swaziland vernacular architecture documented as well.
The Data Base is a collection of images of vernacular architecture from every country in Africa. It is a great source to see the diversity between countries. The Social Links are to my You Tube... Flickr... Twitter... Face Book... Blog on Tumblr... Pinterest & Linked In